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Wire Wrapped tutorials - 20 PDF-Bücher

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Verkauft von
Valeriy Vorobev
@ Valeriy Vorobev

Wire Wrapped tutorials – 20 PDF books. Wire wrapped jewelry step by step tutorials for beginners. Handmade Wire jewelry Valeriy Vorobev.

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 103.00€Aktueller Preis ist: 60.00€.

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Wire Wrapped tutorials – 20 PDF books. Wire wrapped jewelry step by step tutorials for beginners. Handmade Wire jewelry Valeriy Vorobev.

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You will receive a 20 PDF files (not a paper tutorials). This is a digital products. No physical product will be shipped to you.


Do you want to add some new pieces of jewelry to your collection? With just a little bit of practice and skill, you can make your own jewelry at home with wire. No, it won’t pass for pricey jewels, but it sure is cool.




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Wire Wrapped tutorials – 20 PDF books

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 103.00€Aktueller Preis ist: 60.00€.
