Republic commando helmet or mask for airsoft and cosplay

5 5のうち 1のお客様評価による

Republic commando ph.1 helmet/mask.

Based on replica airsoft helmet – fast ops core.


80.00 - 189.00

ウィッシュリストに追加ウィッシュリストより削除 1



Republic commando helmet/mask.

Based on replica airsoft helmet – fast ops core.


Helmet fits S/XL (22 inch/24 inch or 56 cm/60 cm) hat size head

The helmet can protect you from BB with the speed 160 m/s or 525 fps!

You can buy different complectation of helmets. You can buy only a mask, a helmet without ears protection and already a mask installed or a helmet with ear protection and a mask installed. You can choose the necessary complectation in the “Complectation” section of listing you are interested in.
Fast mount – mount to helmet by velcro, has a hole for nvg mount Simple mount (not fast) – mount to helmet by two screws, doesn’t have a hole for nvg mount.

If you buy just a mask: to install the mask you need a helmet with a detachable NVG mount. You should remove NVG mount, make two holes in the frontal part of the helmet and install the mask. The mask has two screws, with which it is attached to the helmet.


The helmet is made from ABS plastic 4mm/0.16 inch.

The visor is 4 mm / 0.16 in – polycarbonate (lexan).

Before order you should choose a color.

The helmet consists of:
– helmet (replica airsoft);
– front part for helemt of ABS plastic.
– 1 visor (4 mm / 0.16 in – polycarbonate (lexan)):
– sidees ears protection of ABS plastic/

I sent all parcels by EMS courier service.

Shipping time:

North and South America: 10-40 days

Europe: 10-40 days

Australia and New Zealand: 20-70 days

Asia: 20-40 days

Oher countries: 10-70 days

All orders are made to order.

Production time after order:

Helmet/mask – 14 days

Costume/armor – 21 days

1) Mask/Helmet is 100% hand made and hand painting.
2) Shipping – worldwide – airmail with tracking number. When item is shipped you will recieve e-mail message with tracking and all information.
3) Overseas SHIPPING BY COURIER SERVICE (EMS) is normally takes about 8-14 business days.
4) If your parcel returns to us with mark “unclaimed” we could not refund you because there is high return fee we had to pay on post, so plz track your parcel and be able to get it than it arrives.
5)The craft is a kind of a hobby, so sometimes there is a small delays in despatch shipping, hope you understand this.

The customer is responsible for any and all customs fees or other related costs. (usually no extra fees for USA, AU, Europe)
The customer assumes the responsibility for knowing what this item can be legally imported into his country.
Not responsible for any items seized or rejected by customs.
All shipping costs are non-refundable.

This is not a toy for young children.
For playing airsoft.
The mask/helmet may have a smell of paint.
Material and paint are not hypoallergenic.

Customs Taxes:
Buyer takes full responsibility in any customs taxes.
If any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.

My responsibility if your parcel is lost:
1. If your parcel passed Russian border and Russian customs and left the place of international exchange and after that its lost, I am not responsible for it and not be able to refund you or send you a new mask/helmet. In this case you need to write an application for international search in your country.
2. If your package has not passed the Russian border and Russian customs and lost in Russia, I am responsibile for it and we will send you a new mask/helmet if it will not be found within three months, by the rules of the Russian Post.

By purchasing this item you agree not to recast, remodel or reuse this mask/helmet in an attempt to reproduce it for sale to anyone.

出荷大陸: アフリカ, アジア, ヨーロッパ, 南アメリカ

出荷国: フランス, カナダ, アメリカ合衆国 (US)

出荷国: ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール (カナダ), ケベック (カナダ), マニトバ (カナダ), プリンスエドワードアイランド (カナダ), ニューブランズウィック (カナダ), ヌナブト (カナダ), ブリティッシュコロンビア (カナダ), オンタリオ (カナダ), アルバータ (カナダ), ノバスコシア (カナダ), ユーコン準州 (カナダ), ノースウェスト準州 (カナダ), サスカチュワン (カナダ), コロンビア特別区 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), サウスダコタ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ネバダ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), インディアナ (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ワシントン州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アラスカ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ノースダコタ (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), 国軍 (AP) (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), メリーランド州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), デラウェア州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), サウスカロライナ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ネブラスカ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), イリノイ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), バージニア州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アラバマ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ノースカロライナ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), 国軍 (AE) (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), メイン州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), コネチカット州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ロードアイランド州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ミシシッピー州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アイダホ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), バーモント州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ニューヨーク (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), 国軍 (AA) (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ルイジアナ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), コロラド州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ペンシルベニア州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ミズーリ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ハワイ (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ユタ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ニューメキシコ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ワイオミング州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ケンタッキー (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), カリフォルニア州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), オレゴン州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ミネソタ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ジョージア (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), テキサス州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ニュージャージー州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ウィスコンシン州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), カンザス州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アーカンソー州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), オクラホマ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ミシガン州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), フロリダ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), テネシー州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ニューハンプシャー州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), ウェストバージニア州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アイオワ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), アリゾナ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), オハイオ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), マサチューセッツ州 (アメリカ合衆国 (US)), モンタナ (アメリカ合衆国 (US))



I sent all parcels by EMS courier service.

Shipping time:

North and South America: 10-40 days

Europe: 10-40 days

Australia and New Zealand: 20-70 days

Asia: 20-40 days

Oher countries: 10-70 days

All orders are made to order.

Production time after order:

Helmet/mask - 14 days

Costume/armor - 21 days

You can buy different complectation of helmets. You can buy only a mask, a helmet without ears protection and already a mask installed or a helmet with ear protection and a mask installed. You can choose the necessary complectation in the “Complectation” section of listing you are interested in.
Fast mount - mount to helmet by velcro, has a hole for nvg mount Simple mount (not fast) - mount to helmet by two screws, doesn’t have a hole for nvg mount.

If you buy just a mask: to install the mask you need a helmet with a detachable NVG mount. You should remove NVG mount, make two holes in the frontal part of the helmet and install the mask. The mask has two screws, with which it is attached to the helmet.

​This is not a toy for little kids.

For playing airsoft.

The mask cannot be worn on the face without an airsoft helmet.
The mask/helmet may have a smell of paint.
Material and paint are not hypoallergenic.

1) Mask/Helmet/Costume/Armor is 100% hand made and hand painting.
2) Shipping - worldwide - airmail with tracking number. When item is shipped you will recieve e-mail message with tracking and all information.
3) Overseas SHIPPING BY COURIER SERVICE (EMS) is normally takes about 8-14 business days.
4) If your parcel returns to us with mark "unclaimed" we could not refund you because there is high return fee we had to pay on post, so plz track your parcel and be able to get it than it arrives.
5)The craft is a kind of a hobby, so sometimes there is a small delays in despatch shipping, hope you understand this.

The customer is responsible for any and all customs fees or other related costs. (usually no extra fees for USA, AU, Europe)

The customer assumes the responsibility for knowing what this item can be legally imported into his country.

Not responsible for any items seized or rejected by customs.

All shipping costs are non-refundable.

Customs Taxes:
Buyer takes full responsibility in any customs taxes.
If any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.

My responsibility if your parcel is lost:
1. If your parcel passed Russian border and Russian customs and left the place of international exchange and after that its lost, I am not responsible for it and not be able to refund you or send you a new mask/helmet. In this case you need to write an application for international search in your country.
2. If your package has not passed the Russian border and Russian customs and lost in Russia, I am responsibile for it and we will send you a new mask/helmet if it will not be found within three months, by the rules of the Russian Post.

By purchasing this item you agree not to recast, remodel or reuse this mask/helmet in an attempt to reproduce it for sale to anyone.



I sent all parcels by EMS courier service.

Shipping time:

North and South America: 10-40 days

Europe: 10-40 days

Australia and New Zealand: 20-70 days

Asia: 20-40 days

Oher countries: 10-70 days

All orders are made to order.

Production time after order:

Helmet/mask - 14 days

Costume/armor - 21 days

You can buy different complectation of helmets. You can buy only a mask, a helmet without ears protection and already a mask installed or a helmet with ear protection and a mask installed. You can choose the necessary complectation in the “Complectation” section of listing you are interested in.
Fast mount - mount to helmet by velcro, has a hole for nvg mount Simple mount (not fast) - mount to helmet by two screws, doesn’t have a hole for nvg mount.

If you buy just a mask: to install the mask you need a helmet with a detachable NVG mount. You should remove NVG mount, make two holes in the frontal part of the helmet and install the mask. The mask has two screws, with which it is attached to the helmet.

​This is not a toy for little kids.

For playing airsoft.

The mask cannot be worn on the face without an airsoft helmet.
The mask/helmet may have a smell of paint.
Material and paint are not hypoallergenic.

1) Mask/Helmet/Costume/Armor is 100% hand made and hand painting.
2) Shipping - worldwide - airmail with tracking number. When item is shipped you will recieve e-mail message with tracking and all information.
3) Overseas SHIPPING BY COURIER SERVICE (EMS) is normally takes about 8-14 business days.
4) If your parcel returns to us with mark "unclaimed" we could not refund you because there is high return fee we had to pay on post, so plz track your parcel and be able to get it than it arrives.
5)The craft is a kind of a hobby, so sometimes there is a small delays in despatch shipping, hope you understand this.

The customer is responsible for any and all customs fees or other related costs. (usually no extra fees for USA, AU, Europe)

The customer assumes the responsibility for knowing what this item can be legally imported into his country.

Not responsible for any items seized or rejected by customs.

All shipping costs are non-refundable.

Customs Taxes:
Buyer takes full responsibility in any customs taxes.
If any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.

My responsibility if your parcel is lost:
1. If your parcel passed Russian border and Russian customs and left the place of international exchange and after that its lost, I am not responsible for it and not be able to refund you or send you a new mask/helmet. In this case you need to write an application for international search in your country.
2. If your package has not passed the Russian border and Russian customs and lost in Russia, I am responsibile for it and we will send you a new mask/helmet if it will not be found within three months, by the rules of the Russian Post.

By purchasing this item you agree not to recast, remodel or reuse this mask/helmet in an attempt to reproduce it for sale to anyone.

仕様: Republic commando helmet or mask for airsoft and cosplay


White, Black, Tan, Olive, Gray, Custom paint job ask me before order

With or without sunshield

With, Without


Full ready helmet, Full ready helmet FAST front mask, ready helmet WITHOUT sides ears protection, Only front mask for helmet, Only FAST front mask for helmet


1 見直し
4星 0 0 %
3星 0 0 %
2星 0 0 %
1星 0 0 %

1のレビュー Republic commando helmet or mask for airsoft and cosplay


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I sent all parcels by EMS courier service.

Shipping time:

North and South America: 10-40 days

Europe: 10-40 days

Australia and New Zealand: 20-70 days

Asia: 20-40 days

Oher countries: 10-70 days

All orders are made to order.

Production time after order:

Helmet/mask – 14 days

Costume/armor – 21 days

You can buy different complectation of helmets. You can buy only a mask, a helmet without ears protection and already a mask installed or a helmet with ear protection and a mask installed. You can choose the necessary complectation in the “Complectation” section of listing you are interested in.
Fast mount – mount to helmet by velcro, has a hole for nvg mount Simple mount (not fast) – mount to helmet by two screws, doesn’t have a hole for nvg mount.

If you buy just a mask: to install the mask you need a helmet with a detachable NVG mount. You should remove NVG mount, make two holes in the frontal part of the helmet and install the mask. The mask has two screws, with which it is attached to the helmet.

This is not a toy for little kids.

For playing airsoft. 

The mask cannot be worn on the face without an airsoft helmet.
The mask/helmet may have a smell of paint.
Material and paint are not hypoallergenic.

1) Mask/Helmet/Costume/Armor is 100% hand made and hand painting.
2) Shipping – worldwide – airmail with tracking number. When item is shipped you will recieve e-mail message with tracking and all information.
3) Overseas SHIPPING BY COURIER SERVICE (EMS) is normally takes about 8-14 business days.
4) If your parcel returns to us with mark “unclaimed” we could not refund you because there is high return fee we had to pay on post, so plz track your parcel and be able to get it than it arrives.
5)The craft is a kind of a hobby, so sometimes there is a small delays in despatch shipping, hope you understand this.

The customer is responsible for any and all customs fees or other related costs. (usually no extra fees for USA, AU, Europe)

The customer assumes the responsibility for knowing what this item can be legally imported into his country.

Not responsible for any items seized or rejected by customs.

All shipping costs are non-refundable.

Customs Taxes:
Buyer takes full responsibility in any customs taxes.
If any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will reply to you within 24 hours.

My responsibility if your parcel is lost:
1. If your parcel passed Russian border and Russian customs and left the place of international exchange and after that its lost, I am not responsible for it and not be able to refund you or send you a new mask/helmet. In this case you need to write an application for international search in your country.
2. If your package has not passed the Russian border and Russian customs and lost in Russia, I am responsibile for it and we will send you a new mask/helmet if it will not be found within three months, by the rules of the Russian Post.

By purchasing this item you agree not to recast, remodel or reuse this mask/helmet in an attempt to reproduce it for sale to anyone.


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